Friday, 13 June 2014


Helloooo…..Awayu..(some Olamide things)….Another rainy day today and it was just the perfect thing for me. I needed the cool weather to rest and recuperate. Please what is this whole world cup thing that’s making all these men loose sight of us??? All wives and girlfriends and fiancées would have to endure their men cheating on them with Super sport ooo. No more E! and for us till further notice…Even Boo is out of range now sef….My dear sisters we should hook up to console ourselves ooo…LOL. Anyways, my Super screen interview will be showing tomorrow (Saturday) by 4.00pm and on Sunday by 7.00 pm on UHF 45 Local TV and Channel 132 on Star times. Please don't abuse me plenty o. Ayam a shy woman. Thank you.

I really need to start taking better care of my hair (we haff enta today tori)... I know my hair is beautiful and I'm proud of her but all these ‘serenren’ I see on all these natural hair blogs don't even help matters. Like one should wear a satin cap before going to bed!...which one be dat? **shey me that I always Jarunpa (roll on the bed) every time?. No matter how hard I try, I'm sure the cap will always remove so I don't even bother wearing it..*covers face** I try to wash at least once in two weeks and deep condition the hair too but I am a very lazy pelzin (person in jenifa's voice). ..I'm sure if my hair had legs, it would run away soon if I don't start doing something. So I'm setting a goal for my hair. It must have grown “neck-length” by the end of the year and it’s feasible. So I've decided to get some hair care products and of course make space in my cupboard for all of them. While cleaning earlier today, I saw my Jack-5ive activator moisturizer gel. I already forgot I had it....can you just imagine?... I got it when I did my big chop in January and used it only twice. Why did I even ignore the gel for so long? I'm doing a little review of it (todays gist gan gan) maybe then I'll remember why I dumped it.
I got this gel out of curiosity because I wanted curls and I wanted to see how this could make my Nigerian hair curl like all those Americanas and Latinos dem dem… First I had to check the ingredient to make sure there was no sulphate and mineral in it and there wasn't. I noticed the first ingredient is water which is a good thing and then followed by two humectants (humectants are substances in hair products used to promote moisture retention). Seeing the ingredients were exactly what suited me, I got it. I applied it the following day on my hair to start the curling process but it was extra greasy. Maybe it was me or it was the gel but it was really greasy but it made my hair very soft. I was touching my hair the whole day. It is very good for moisturising and conditioning your hair. It also has a sweet sugary taste (covers face)...I didn't lick it o but every time I put my hand in my mouth, it tasted sweet. I don't know some of our uncles have done the fake o, but it has a golden yellow colour which becomes transparent once applied to the hair.

VERDICT: If I want to judge by the smell (the smell is a turn off for me),I'll give it a 5/10 (make dem put small better perfume na..) but ignoring the smell, I'll give it a 7. I've noticed a little curl on my front hair but I'll keep trying.

SHOULD YOU GET IT? I think you should. You would love your hair texture after trying it.

HOW MUCH IS IT? I got it for 800 naira in a shop in Ikeja and depending on how you use it, you might not need to buy another in a year.

Thanks for reading through. Please how can I keep my cap on when I'm sleeping o…(dey say I’m a ninja when I sleep…LOL) I would welcome suggestions…..maybe I should tie my head in place when I sleep…LOL

NOTE: Every product or movie review I do is my personal opinion ooo. I'm not trying to run anyone or any product down. I only use this avenue to help my friends here on the blog. Anyone that feels otherwise can send an email to
Keep taking good care of yourselves….and to the men, enjoy your world cup ooo…Up team Nigeria!


  1. Moby you are a cartoon.the way you always turn everything into joke. Anyway I am a natural hair sister too and I love the jack 5ive gel.maybe the smell can be improved but its okay for softening our hard nigerian hair. I think 7 is an okay verdict.

    1. You see I don't lie. Thanks for using scope to abuse me sha. Thanks

  2. And about your jarupa-ing,put pillow on both sides of your bed. That should help curtail it afer a while. Goodluck Jarupaing sister

    1. Okay,I'll try this your style tonight. But I strongly doubt it would work. Thanks

  3. Ok great, my cousin in ss1 wants to relax because she said the person making her hair in the hostel said it's too hard. I think I've found the perfect product. My hair is naturally soft even when due so am safe.
    Erm, Moby can you imagine my mum watching football too? The hookup oya now.
    You could tie a silk scarf, jarunpa and it won't come off jor.

    1. You should get it for her but how long will she finish one cup. I'll suggest you let her condition her hair after every wash and then moisturise all the time. The jack 5ive will make her hair really sticky and some hair stylist might not really like that.
      And about your mum watching football, I think its cute.your father is a lucky man to have a woman that watches football with him. We indomie girls of nowadays that can only watch africa magic and E!. God help us. My jarunpa is crazy but I'll try. Thanks Amaka. We missed you o. Where did you go to?

    2. I've been in a no light zone but am back :-D

  4. Just tie ur neck to d edge of d bed......lobatan lol... Love ur blog....wil help u to advertise....*smiles* thank me later *winks*

    1. Lobatan o. Not a bad idea but with my own kind of jarunpa, I don't know what will happen o. Thanksssss. Please help me advertise o. God bless you

  5. LOL you licked Jack 5ive O_o
    How did your hands get into your mouth? O_O lol not judging!
    Jack 5ive is nice! My only issue is it gets a little sticky in humidity which is alright for a fro, but annoying when I need to style it.

    Moby, you could get a silk/satin pillowcase, or tie your silk/satin scarf around your pillow if your jarupa won't let you wear a bonnet lol

    Thanks for stopping by the blog x

    1. I sometimes chew my nails *covers face*. You should taste it atleast know what you are putting on your head. Yea I agree with getting sticky in humid weather. Thanks for checking my blog out *mwaaahhh*. About my jarunpa,I guess I'll just tie my pillow case with the scarf. Thanks

    2. OMG you re so funny. I find this post really helpful as I just chopped off my hair. Thanks

  6. Yea, i used and loved the jack5 too when i cut my hair....the trick to getting really curly hair, wet the hair a bit before applying, you'll love it.

  7. i am in Germany and my hair is short. how can i get this product. i think jack 5ive will do me good.

  8. Por favor, alguem poderia me informar o endereço do fabricante do gel jack five?


    Att/ Paulo Roberto

  9. Jack 5ive dint work for me, tho I have rily tough hair.

  10. Thnks really for the advice on jack 5 i'm in cameroon and i glt one.
    Before reading ur blog I was wondering on it like tchaii wety be this kind product again😉
    And yeah it taste sweet and nice 🙈


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