Sunday, 24 August 2014


"A son honors his father, and a servant his master. Then if I am a father, where is My honor? And if I am a master, where is My respect?...But you say, 'How have we despised Your name?' You are presenting defiled food upon My altar...Why not offer it to your governor? Would he be pleased with you?"

-Malachi 1:6-8 (NASB)

The true worth of someone we claim to love is displayed in our disposition to them, and many of us claim to love God as our heavenly Father, but do not give Him our very 'best'. The priests in our text couldn't understand why God was upset with them, from their point of view, they had done everything right-making regular sacrifices and fulfilling the Law's requirements, but in the sight of God, they had fallen short. In fact, they had "despised" His name, they had forgotten the principle in the Law, and they regularly sacrificed defective animals, instead of honoring God, they kept the best for themselves. This must have surprised them like it does many today, they felt that the give to God everytime; but the reason was simple: They had not given God their best, and what God sees as Mr. A's best is different from what Mr. B's best is, just like Jesus said about the widow's mite. It's between you and God, He knows the resources He has released into your hand, and knows what your 'best' ought to be. Though they wouldn't dare treat their political leaders with such disrespect, they felt fine about showing disrespect for God Almighty! As a result, they were cheating and offending Him. God wants us to give Him our best in everything we do- when we are at work or at home, in our church or community, with friends or neighbours. Our tithes and offerings should have value to us and not be our crumbs or leftovers. We should spend quality time in prayer and Bible study, not just a few minutes when it might be convenient. Remember that God is looking at your heart, make Him your highest priority. Seek ye FIRST His kingdom and you will be glad you did.

I make up my mind today to give you my best dear Lord, I pray that my life will bring You honour and glory. You deserve it all. Halleluyah!

SOURCE: Jola and Dexter Akin-Alamu
Have a beautiful week ahead filled with love, peace and happiness


  1. Amen!
    The gospel truth is that when we give our best to God, He would shower more blessings on us. And I love the fact that ones best is not strictly spelt in just tithes and offerings. Showing love and kindness to others is even the best of all...
    Have a blessed Sunday and a successful week.

  2. Yaaaay she's back o.thank God.where is our gist na..we dey wait you o. Today's word for today makes so much sense. I would give god my all because I know he would be with me and bless me abundantly


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