Thursday, 9 October 2014


Hello mi lovies....  Today is the 9th of October and someone very special to me was born on this day so its my birthday again... We were enemies that became friends so suddenly and I decided to make her my best friend. Funny this girl has too many best friends ehn....hmnnn diarisgod o. That's cos she is a very nice and sweet person. So today I've decided to dedicate this post to her cos she deserves it and she's worth it... Please help me wish her a very happy birthday today *kneels down* abeg...hehehe. I trust you na.... Thank you.

Hi sister,

I call you sister because that’s what you are to me. What else do I call someone who advises me, who scolds me whenever it is necessary, helps me to forget the sorrow and encourage me to keep going,... who doesn't let me give up when I am fed up, who is my biggest fan and supporter, my greatest critique, who checks on me when ill and ensures I use my drugs, who is willing to share her last kobo with me...hmnnn. I know you would freak out when you see this but these are the things we do for love mami.

 Abimbola temi nikan...You’re so many more adjectives (generous, helpful and implausibly caring), but your kindness is unrelenting and I’m certain it will bring all the awesomeness you deserve in this world...I'm certain it will.... Words are insufficient to express all I feel and how I feel them (looks like I'm beginning to sound gay...LOL), but you need to know how awesomely awesome you are and how much of a darling and blessing you are to me and everyone around you, anyway. I promise to always be here, somewhere in the background to remind you every day, incase you ever doubt it.
Our unfresh days *covers face*
Sometimes I wonder how my life would be without you. I know that there are other friends but there's none like you who knows and reads me like an open book. Thanks for making me laugh, for seeing me when no one did, for making me feel good as I am and for not judging me...

I’m sorry if I’m sentimental now but I think that the day of your birthday is the perfect moment to say all  I don’t or won't say on other days.... To thank you for everything... To remind you that you are important for me.

I wish that you find happiness  and I will always be at your side to make it happen. I know that you have a lot of dreams, many objectives and goals, I will do my best to help you accomplish them because friends exist for that;  to help each other always.
Shinkolo like me...hehehe
Today you add a year to your existence on earth  and I thank God for allowing you live one more year and especially for letting me enjoy your friendship for another year. As you enter a new year, I want you to live  with much enthusiasm. Don’t give up as a result of the problems or challenges that may appear because you will not be alone, I will be at your side to push you or stop you as the need may be.
I wish you a great birthday... the best of all. Thanks for being as you are, for being my best friend, for being my confidant and for being a bully even with your 'shinkolo pendant'  size...hehehehe. Thanks for not doubting me, for facing me and taking care of me.... this babe really did take care of my sorry ass in Uni.. I love you and I wish you an unbelievably blessed birthday. I'm sorry I'll miss your party.... when you said you would postpone it till I got back from Ondo, I felt sadder but you know mami has to work so that we can visit Dubai together and drag Sunbo along....she doesn't have a choice.... I love you mami. Have a wonderful birthday and know that I'll be at your party in the spirit.
Amidst  every promise I make today, I think there’s a need to include an apology. I’m not perfect (I know, I know.....shocker, right?). For all the unnecessary drama, utterly pointless rants and the hullabaloo that I created in your life. I’m sorry for ever taking you for granted, doing and saying whatever came to my mind with blithe disregard to your feelings. You never hesitated to call me out on my immaturity nor let me get away with it. You can be brutal in your opinions and advice and yet that brutality is laced with all the affection in the world. I am sorry for being self-centered as I know I can be most of the time but I am getting better by the day or at least trying to be. And the journey from being immature and selfish, to a better person has been a learning experience.

There are times when I do not like you too much, because sometimes I think you care a lot and I don’t deserve it. As trite as this may sound, I strive to be a better person because of people like you in my life.

As you have given me an important place in your life, I promise to always value it. 

Happy birthday my dear Qtestbea.... mama loves you.

Mobylizers, I know you don't know my Qtestbea but you know me shey....and you know if I like someone,  you too must like the person... its a must. *bring out Tibs bazooka*... Oya please wish my shinkolo bestie a happy birthday for me. She is such a nice person and I know she would cry when she sees this. I'm on my way to Ondo already....thanks for the safe journey wishes... thanks mi lovies. I would come back with gist for me na. Have a lovely day ahead.... Love y'all loads.



  1. lmao@i am starting to sound gay i totally love the way you celebrate the people you love :-) but anyhoo Happy birthday to the young lady,have you a safetrip stay safe and dont work too hard #makethatmoney

  2. Yaay she is an october baby like mua, happy bufday to her. Wish her all the best in life.

    1. Yayyyy, we October babies r special nw let dem knw jare.....thank u Chioma

    2. Be lying to yourselves o. August babies are most special....look at all of you. Tshhewwww. *beefing mode activated*. I'm beefing all October babies....

  3. I wish ur bestie a vey gbaski candy super birthday....many more years of fulfillment hun *dancing for Moby here*

  4. This is the cutest thing ever. Happy birthday to Bimbo. Wa dagba wa ddarubo.

  5. Hapi Bdai 2 Mobyz bestie Abimbola! I wish u LLNP in gud health nd wealth IJN! Nd moby abeg cherish ur bestie o, na betrayers wey call demselve frnds wey full outsyd nw o! Pls value her o nd May God make u 2 sisters 4reva! HBD Bims once again nd safest trip Moby! Oyin

    1. Amen....pls help me tell er o Lol...Thank u very much Anon

    2. Oyin mi... You better tell her o...make she siddon for one place. ...thank you so much. ..

  6. Awwwwwwww i don't even know what to say but i must say something before Bolaji kills me............... how did you know i was going to cry cos i actually did, Thank you hun for this post, this should be the best birthday gift evurrrrrrrr.........wait sef why are these pictures like this please Mobylizers we are finer than this o abeg jes ignore these ones...... and don't worry guyz she's not gay she can jes be crazy like that #back to the matter# i know i can be annoying at times buh you know i always got your back #winks# (i will get you for calling me shinkolo you know me now) #rubs hands together# i love u so much dear, don't worry about not being at the party so far na money Safe journey dear!!!.... Thanks Mobylizers for the wishes lets keep our ministry moving love ya all muah!!!!

  7. Happy birthday Abimbola, seeing this post alone tells me just how special you are.

  8. Happy birthday Abimbola aka Qtestbea... You sound like such an amazing person from this post.. Thank God for wonderful friends like you..
    Moby!! You are just too much! God will continue to celebrate you too as you you do others! *mwah*

    All the best in Ondo (warris happuning in Ondo sef?)

    1. Thank you 1+The One I really appreciate it

    2. Amennnnnn. Thanks Ayo. Thank you. I went to work ni o. Ondo chilling. Hehehehe. Thanks

  9. Awwwww... Moby Yaa just a sweet friend... Happy birthday to your best friend

  10. Happy belated Birthday to Moby's #1 fan....hehe...mami...**sigh** I miss you already.....hehe...Have a safe trip eh....please hold on to that bazooka....I mean I really really wont mind you having it until Sunday..hehe

  11. Happy Birthday omo toh fine ju.. Wishing you long life and prosperity. Hip Hip Hip Hurray...


  12. *in gossip mood* I never knew moby was a blogger cos she didn't update her website on her google+ page. Anyway, its cool to be here.

    Happy birthday/belated to abimbola. All d best.

    *sips zobo in celebration mood*

    #Mαηηiε was here


  13. Common! must you make me cry? this is so sweet and real i love that you made her feel like a princess.HBD dear

    1. Awww please don't cry o....hehehe. thank you so much Buiti. Mwaaaaahhhh

    2. Awwww pls dnt cry Buiti .....thank u so much

  14. Happy birthday abimbola its always nice to know that people still have wonderful friends,may God keep you both together.

  15. Happy Belated Birthday Namesake. I hope you had a nice day....


  16. Wow!! I love the sincerity of this post eh, as at various intervals yeah, i found myself smiling. Happy Bitrthday Bubba, I hope you had a blast? Cheers.

    P.S; its obvious that you both have a really strong kinda bond, i pray you guys celebrate each other all time every time, for as a life time. xx E-hugs

    1. Awwww trust me i did more than smiling while reading it...Amennn to ur prayer n I sure had more than a blast...Lol...Thank u so much Duru


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