Monday, 20 October 2014

... And Leboo answers...

My designing skills are getting better...hehehe
HEY! *singing* clap your hands if you know that happiness is for you.....Cos I'm happy.....***

Hallos peoples.......Its Monday already mehn! YEP!...MONDAY......and guess what people????, I was looking forward to it and I am super excited about it. Wanna know why?.........Simple!.... Because it is today..*yay!*. 

Ok, what is Well I couldn't come up with a better title than that. You really don't want to know the other options I came up with *covers face*. Haha... Well it's simple....We Mobylizers get to formally meet oga Tito and we are putting him on the hot seat....his ass is on fire today.....  I mentioned in the last post that everyone who had any question at all for Tito (le Boo) should send the question(s) to me and that I'll have him answer them....So that's what today's post is all about.....Tito's Answers...

Before we get to that, I want to use this opportunity to tender an apology to people who send me emails and do not get my reply on time or do not get a reply at all. Lemme explain...when internet and emails were invented, no one put people like me into consideration. I haven't quite caught up with the whole technology advancement and all that..... I have a twitter account I hardly use...  I have an Instagram account and I keep getting bored anytime I'm on there...  Facebook is another story for another day....Some would call it being tech lazy, I just call it errrr......trying to catch up....LOL... Una go forgive me noni. I am more of a caller than a texter / "typer" so if you need to reach me, just drop me your number and I promise to call you as long as I have airtime on my phone LOL... I hope my apology is accepted..Pleeeeaaasseeeee..*on my knees*..... That doesn't mean you should stop sending me emails o. I still check my emails from time to time... but I might not reply when you want me to. Blame it on... *who can I put this blame on o*... Well....Tech laziness... thank you *takes a bow*. Happy belated Birthday to my padi of life that I've never met....Praiz Tola. I'm so sorry I forgot the date. Where's my rice abeg? Oya reply my email asap.

So I got some questions from y'all and some of them made me go 'Okayyyyyyy'...*raised eyebrow* I'll still share them though but I promised some people I won't put their names so the "questioners" have their anonymity preserved.  I hope Leboo would be able to answer your questions well..  so from this point *removes slippers....puts it under my armpit. ..whistling*...  I'm walking away.  Hehehe.

Here are the Questions:

1. How do you cope with Moby and all her drama?

Leboo: Well first of all let me say that I was really forced and pushed and cajoled and scoped into doing this and that's part of me coping with Moby. hmmn, how do I cope? Moby herself can't stand her own drama so that makes the work tougher for me. In coping with her wahala, I have to prevent her from her own self and that's not like taking candy from a kid. She really can be a huge pain, but I signed up for all her pain, drama, wahala, nerve stepping, and all that makes her Moby. Most times I just let her be, her drama usually has a quick expiration depending on the instigator of the drama. Other times I put my foot down on certain issues then we clash, she vexes, she bones, I bone, I laugh, she smiles, I tickle her, she laughs, we kiss and then we back at one. But it not always that easy. I am just riding on God's grace, a lot of diplomacy and cunningness in dealing and coping with her.

2. Sir, are you confident Moby isn't and wouldn't cheat on you? If yes why and how confident are you lol.

Leboo: Ehwo!...hmmmmn! Truth is no man can speak for another. You can only speak for yourself. But the question centres on "confidence", my own confidence, therefore Yes I am confident she isn't cheating on me. I somehow manage to keep her schedule full and eventful, so except she's some kind of mutant with super powers, then she would be able to make out time for that. Moby is a good born again Christian and she works hard in trying to live up to the tenets of proper Christianity and I trust her and that's a very important thing. Also, I am sure she isn't near half way done with my very sexy self.

3. When will you propose to Moby because I won't mind having her as my in law o.   I would have to introduce her to my brother.

Leboo: Ha! you be enemy are not a friend at all...ahan! lol. Anyway...if you eat your veggies, and do your cardio, you'll live long enough to see me, just kidding...I will propose when Moby is ready...all things being equal she would have changed her surname to mine by this time next year in Jesus Christ's name. Amen 

4. Do you ever get bothered by some of Moby's post?  Like when she says she's attracted to other guys or she crushes on other guys?

Leboo: Even though I know she just types most of those things as she thinks them and probably with little or no seriousness attached to it, yes I get very bothered when she says those kind of stuff. I don't like it, but for the sake of the writers craft and finesse, and for the sake of her trying to drive home a point, I tolerate it. But truthfully, I don't like it. No normal guy would and the funny thing is I dare not say such oo, Moby would flip and take it personal and probably start crying sef.LOL 

5. Do you think Moby is real with you?

Leboo: At first I thought I would just be a phase in her life, that was even before we started anything, but she has sacrificed a lot to keep us together. She has put in a lot to ensure our ship sails safe , she has tolerated me for one whole year. I have gotten the pass from the great Iya Dayo. I know all these might not be enough proof of realness to some, but then if this aint real, what is?

6. Who is your favourite Mobylizer?

Leboo: HAAA!...LOL..this is a sweet question. Well Moby is my favourite Mobylizer. if she I am not very frequent on the blog, (I get to read the posts before she puts them up) I have read comments from a few people and they just crack me up. You all are wonderful. Moby's Blogger partner Aby, Berry, Petite diva, miss bng, Tosyne, Emmanuel, Duru, Praiz, Nike, cutest bea, Sunbo, Esther, Bukky, Ike,  everyone else, can't mention all.(apologies)...You all are fantastic. but of all Mobylizers, I have spoken to 2 over the phone, the ever amiable and phone cute Judith and the ever wonderful and 'no-nonsense' Erneisha....I personally dig Tibs and her husband, who is also my guy...Mr Demi..they are a breathtaking & an amazing couple...... I have met only one Mobylizer physically Amaka...and she is a lovely lady.

7. I admire you a lot Le boo....will you marry me.

Leboo: LMAO..Thanks for the admiration.....if your name is Amusu Mobolaji Omoyeni Olayinka Mautin Thara, and you are from Badagry, and you call your mum Iya dayo, and you are a huge pain in my neck, but yet the sweetest thing to ever happen to me, and you are a crafts person, and you are the one I love with every drop of blood, every bone in my body and every inch of my entire being?????...YES I'll marry you.....If not?....find out who asked the 3rd question, the persons brother appears to be single and in need..

Thank you all for supporting this wonder angel of my life....when you guys turn up, she's happy and that reduces my I'm happy too. God shall bless us and all the ends of the earth will fear him.Amen.

And Tito signs out.... and Moby signs in.... I was blushing like an idiot when I saw the response....hmnnn... I am not a romantic person but this boy *points at boo*, I just don't get it anymore. I'm sure from his replies,  you know who the romantic one is....*covers face*. Let me just say something because it won't be normal if I don't.  One, my wahala is not that much... Seriously I give little wahala and drama... I don't know why Le boo is making it look like I'm a huge pain in the ass.... that's not fair.  Two, I am not....I repeat I am not a cryer (if there's a word like that). Tito you can lie ahhhhh... diarisgod o. Before people will start thinking I'm a softy *covers face*. Ehn ehn... Three, the babe that wants to marry Leboo...hmnnnnn... I will say nothing.. I am not a jealous person  o but I am not a sharer. You get shey?

I got some questions late... like yester night and Le boo already sent in his reply yesterday evening...I'm really sorry guys..  don't worry... very soon we would have another E ma binu...can see a lot of people want to know this Le boo that I've been shouting about o. Le boo is even more popular than Moby...that's not fair *sad face*

And so at this point, I rest my case. Moby Impressionz skill acquisition class is starting today. I am as excited as everyone attending. Did you know that Team Mofaya and Tibs decided to sponsor some people to attend the class?... all expense paid!.  Now that's generosity and love at its peak. Thank you so much Mr. and Mrs. Mofaya (I don't know your surname). May God bless you abundantly as you help people.  May you never lack in Jesus name. 

Please guys put us in your prayers o...that God should give us the strength to pass adequate knowledge and that everyone attending would get enough understanding and use it for good. Have a lovely week my swirrie pies and sugar pies.  Moby loves you like *razz mode activated* 'ki lo n sele nibiyi na....ori e o fo ka si be jor'.. hehehe... *runs off*


P.S: The Lillian girl I was ranting about on Friday was evicted yesterday. I am so happy. Who else watches BBA here....before I'll start blogging about it and everyone will be lost?  


  1. Aww this is lovely, Le Boo sounds like a perfect gentleman hehe I see my name *dancing sekem sekem*
    I am patiently waiting to come and celebrate you both o...God bless you

    1. wahala. When celebration time comes, we would definately call everyone here. Hehehe

  2. hahaha i love the last answer.......lolzzz
    I just knew Lilian will be out of the much for not being yourself*smh*

    1. Finally someone takes side with me. That babe is/was a faker. Thanks Ugolistic Ugo

  3. You got to be kidding mua at the person that wants to marry Moby's le boo biko. From this you can totally deduce that your handsome is a very intresting person, for agreeing to do this sef, he tried. Have a good monday babe.

    1. Awwww...I'm blushing ehn. Thank you so much Chi. He try small sha. Hehehe

  4. You got to be kidding me at the person that wants to marry Moby's le boo. From this post, it can be deduced that your handsome is an interesting person Moby, Lucky lucky babe. @ Mummy Tibs and her generous handsome, God bless you guys. Have a great monday babe.

  5. And LeBoo knows me *aaaahhhh shoki*
    Twas nice "meeting" u the famous LeBoo....
    I'm so glad Lillian is gone!!! I was praying Tayo would follow suit sef!! Both of them are just unnecessarily razz!!!
    Moby when you're free please send the address of the venue for the training.... I'd like to pop in to see my famous drama queen... be prepared I might be coming with paparazzi o

    1. Ahhhh shoki....hahaha. Leave my Tayo o abeg. He is the new love of my is that razzness sef I'm tripping for. Hahaha.
      The address is No. 1, fadeyi street off awolowo way, Ikeja. The day you would be coming over, please tell me o so I can wear fine cloth and my christmas shoe too. ..hehe

  6. LeBoo knows me *aaaaahhhh shoki*
    Twas delightful meeting the famous LeBoo....
    I'm so happy Lilian has been evicted. I was praying Tayo would follow suit sef! Both of them are just unnecessarily razz!
    Moby please when you can, send me the address of the venue for the training.... I'd like to pop in to see my famous and favourite drama queen... be prepared o, I might be bringing paparazzi

  7. D response got me blush!ng nd *aww!ng*...Uv got a good one Moby, dz guy !s a keeper*......

  8. I've been blushing on your behalf since oohh...i even shed a tear *dancing and singing... Go Tito go Tito gooo*

    The class is already a success Moby, you're in my prayers.

  9. Waohhhh....**blushing** This is nice....hehe...Waddup mamacita!!...and my bazooka-friendly Tito....buh you made a mistake tho'....*covers face** his name is not 'Demi'....Aww....I don't think you heard me clearly over the phone...buh hey!...its fine...buh mehnnnnn....goddamnbullshit!!!...Some of these questions tho'....hehe....That is some hot seat you were on Tito....hehe......and mami....we got you...

    1. Really? What's his name? I thought I heard Demi the other day... I'll just stick to Mofaya.... thanks Tibs. Bazooka-friendly Tito? That's a new one...and I like it. Thanks mami

  10. i dont watch BBA but mehn! that Lillian girl! SMH.......with all the "i will be my self"......

    1. That girl...I am so happy she's gone. Can't deal mehn

  11. Mehn! See questions of life for leboo.

    *clears throat*

    I couldn't stop laughing.

    Wahala dey ooo


  12. I see my name....hehehe.....*in razzness @Tito *...."I sight you my oga...tuale baba!"...*enters Jezzy's voice..."yeahhhhh"...ℓ☺ℓ​.
    I follow you to dance 'shoki' @Esther.......@Tosyne, that sekem hard small....person be like grasshopper wey dey try commot trap....smh.
    Thanks Moby aka MOBITO for the kind of making me padi...
    And yeaahhh....I think you should...(on BBA...though its boring as hell)....+ I have got some issues I think you should discuss...."Na Woman matter".....and I have got lots.

    (p.s Tito didn't answer my question ọ̥....ℓ☺ℓ​).

  13. I see my name....hehehe.....*in razzness @Tito *...."I sight you my oga...tuale baba!"...*enters Jezzy's voice..."yeahhhhh"...ℓ☺ℓ​.
    I follow you to dance 'shoki' @Esther.......@Tosyne, that sekem hard small....person be like grasshopper wey dey try commot trap....smh.
    Thanks Moby aka MOBITO for the kind of making me padi...
    And yeaahhh....I think you should...(on BBA...though its boring as hell)....+ I have got some issues I think you should discuss...."Na Woman matter".....and I have got lots.

    (p.s Tito didn't answer my question ọ̥....ℓ☺ℓ​).

  14. Yowaaaaa boo le boo is incredibly incredible.I double sight my name o and I love the answer u gave to my question.I am so impressed. MOBY OYA OPEN YOUR EAR....hol am tight.dis one no dey go anywhere.If he wan dey do orikori, just come and meet me let me take you to my baba to give you beta

  15. A guy did this? For real... I am going to drag my bf to read this. A nigga has to learn how to be romantic. I like leboo


  16. Awwwww. Moby's le boo is fantastic and also romantic. I can't wait to buy aso ebi

  17. Moby u are indeed a drama queen.....realy admire Le boo...wen d bell rings abeg invite me ooo lolz.

  18. I loveeeeeeeeee!!! Awwwwhis answers are so beautiful.. Moby I am blushing on your behalf. God bless both of you. This was definitely worth waiting for and reading!!
    Please bring on Le Boo more often!!

  19. I am blushing for you.The last question got me o.Leboo do fast and go and marry moby o.we cannot wait o.this is so cute

  20. I am blushing for you.The last question got me o.Leboo do fast and go and marry moby o.we cannot wait o.this is so cute

  21. Le boi toh gbayi.Bros na you biko o.i go love. Timi

  22. Awww this is so sweet and romantic meh! *waving @ le boo*

    Was a nice read...


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