Wednesday, 22 October 2014


This ain't shoki but I'll manage happy dance

I have to repeat my happy song.....cos I'm happy....clap your hands if you feel that happiness is for you.....cos I'm happyyyy...... Please don't try pronouncing what I wrote up there... I can only type it... I can't pronounce it *covers face*
Hello mi queridas....mi amigos....mi amours, eyin padis mi of blogville. I am sounding and feeling excited because I have every reason to...I am actually very excited and in high spirit now. I am alive and I am very well, all my family members and friends are chilling. I've got the love of a man that would do anything for me and I've got amazing followers on blogsville. If I am not excited then there must be something deeply wrong with me. Thanks guys for even taking out the time to visit this blog and then go an extra mile to leave a comment. Thank you...

You know there are times when no one leaves a comment on my blog post(s) and I call boo and say 'Tito no one loves me' then he gives me the 'please don't start now' sigh....such evil from someone you call your better half **rolls eyes** but then, before I know it someone leaves a comment and I get so supercalifragilisticespialidocious.....hee hee hee (what is the meaning of this word sef? who remembers the movie?)... I know for sure that so many people who visit this blog do not know me personally but they still pick up their phone, tablets and other devices to see what my dramatic self is up to....I'm humbled and honoured. That's love and I'm so grateful... thank you guys. Yesterday at the gym, a girl stopped me and asked 'are you Moby?'....In my head I was already doing my sitey I am already popular o until she said she wanted to make enquiries about Moby Impressionz classes.., ela oju kan for me. I wanted to cry but I just formed strong babe and answered her. If only she said she is a blog follower, I could have given her all my money at that point. But it is well. I have a dream...that one day....hmnnn

So on to today's story.. most of us know that I'm a makeup artist...well if you don't know, now you know...*straight face*... I panel beat people's faces for a living and so far it's been good. There was a time I was ranting on face book about Pro makeup artists that make upcoming ones feel so incompetent because we can't buy the big name products they use. There was a time I used to feel I wasn't good enough because I was using cheap products. Let me just divert a little. My mum is not the richest woman on earth but she has a very rich heart and so when I told her I wanted to learn makeup artistry, she goes 'Bolaji o mo ipe mi o lowo (Bolaji you know I don't have money) but if you can raise the money yourself, I'll pay you back later' (which she has not till date...*rolls eyes at Iya Dayo*) and so I started looking for money to buy some tools that I would be using. Sometimes I'll buy eye brow pencil which cost 50 naira then later I'll buy a lipstick which was like 100 naira....I was doing this because I had a passion and I knew that I had to keep moving and not let anything, including money, hold me down. I learnt makeup artistry and my box was filled with cheap products but I didn't care. I was still advertising myself and asking people to call me for jobs. Mehn the things we do for for the job..LOL. 
One day I was talking to a rich makeup artist friend of mine....she had a man that was rich and used to give her money.... and she was talking about some makeup products she just bought and couldn't wait to start using. Me the hustling makeup artist that was 'booless' at the time was just saying 'hmnnn ahhhh' and was thinking about when I would get to that level where I would buy a foundation worth five thousand naira...(chai...big money). Now she decided to annoy me and she said 'No makeup artist should use Mary Kay products because they are cheap. If you go for jobs and you bring out Mary Kay products, people would start making jest of you and they won't pay you good money'. At that point my hmnnn and ahhh became WHAT! No way! one messes with my Mary Kay. What do you mean? Because Mary Kay is cheap doesn't mean it doesn't do a good job. I've tried other foundations and I still go back to it because it is affordable and it works like every other foundation. I was so angry I decided to pour out my aggression on facebook. I tagged it #dairyofanangrymakeupartist.... or something like that sha. I was that angry.. 
So today I've got a word for all makeup artists in the house. If you are the hustling makeup artist like me, don't let anyone make you feel like thrash because they can afford the big big names. A time would come you would be the one to determine what kind of product you want to use. You don't need the big big names to prove how good you are. Your work will speak for you. Invest in making yourself better and then plenty money will come and then you would buy the big name hear?..I thank God now I can afford the big names and buy almost anything I want.....I was able to start with the cheap products, put in my best to make sure my work stood out and I was able to make enough money to upgrade myself. Also I am "boo-full" and I get enough help but hear this, I still haven't totally neglected the so called cheap products because some of them do fantastic jobs and make my work easier and better. Trust me the stone you neglect could turn out to be the corner stone.

I remember there was this time I put up a picture of me and everyone was saying how much they liked my lipstick. Well I've got something to tell you, that lipstick isn't a big name product.... it is JACKELIN and I bought it for 200 naira and it lasts really long on the lips. The good thing about this lipstick is it stays well and gives a perfect matte finish. I used it for my Moby woo lipstick. You remember?  You can check the post here.  I've also used it as an eyeshadow primer....I'll put up a post about it soon. Where can you get it? You can get it at any store. Especially the local road side beauty stores you probably won't wanna enter...*grin*
This is what it looks like

My moby-woo lipstick

Ignore the party packs at the back...this was after I finished eating and my lipstick was still intact

Who has ever tried using Jackelin lipstick? I remember I recommended it...  I want to know what you think about it. And did you notice there is a particular way I pout my lips when I take pictures? I just noticed now *covers face*...runs off....
In other news, Who has noticed how the weather in Lagos has been of late? It rains in the morning and then the afternoon is so hot like the sun is angry with some people. When I was coming back from work today I saw a man wearing a sweater jacket and joggers to-match ni o with a black vest inside and a face cap... and the sun was blazing you would have thought this dude wasn't feeling the heat ( I mean for him to dress that way)..then he did the most ironic thing...he brought out face towel to clean off his sweat....LOL... Now that's stupidity at the peak....Why dress like fire man and be cleaning off sweat every second??? But the morale of the story is that we Nigerians are survivors mehn...we would adapt to anything...with swag ni ooo. The spirit of the Nigerian man is just so amazing and I'm proud to be Nigerian. Come rain come shine, we would survive.LOL

Oh my darling guys have been wonderful. Like my friend Duru would say, Thanks for the past 7 minutes of your time. I love you all....and remember God will judge everyone that is wishing you bad *my new watchword*..... God bless us all...



  1. Okay!! I'm bringing the first to comment shii here *shines teeth*
    Moby darling, if we don't pick up our devices to check what our favourite drama queen has been up to, what else will we be doing? Who else will say words like supercal..... (fill in d blanks). so thank you too for keeping it real n making us come back for more.
    I used jackelin too one time someone recommended it... im not a makeup artiste sha... plus I'm too stingy to but expensive makeup things dat I might use only once in a week... but whatever it is you use, you've still been doing beautiful jobs, not cos u used foundation worth 20k, but cos God favoured you...
    I think I've done a full post here... sorry

    1. Awwww... Esther thank you. See the way I'm blushing o. Thank you huni.. I guess I need to enter this 1st to comment race.... *race mode activated*

  2. Okay Moby.. Lemme just Quickly say that this is my best post ever on your Blog.. I mean i am still angry with you Leaking all the guys tips to enter the GATES... a while ago.. But this compensated and subdued my anger to an extent sha.. **Winks. Something I admire about you Bubba, is your ability to swuich from Being Porsche to being Proudly African and vice versa, and still do it with such high amount of class.. As in each time you do it yeah, i am Dayumm she good..

    Thing is life is hard for everyone, especially in Nigeria and Afghanistan, but like you said Moby, all we need to do is keep believing in our dreams, and someday we will get there. There will always be those winchies who aim at bringing one down, those who want to make one inferior with their words and all, but the idea as You said Bubba, is to feel like a god.. Cause though they may be kings (due to their cash and all) but we could still be gods.. and you know what Onyibo man says ""Why be a king when you can be a god?"". I love this post Bubba. Truly..

    May God make you and your business grow bigger and bigger.. But remember moi in your paradise of cash ooo... It is well Bubba. Keep being You, and keep being true.

    P.S; I would have said First to comment, but as you dey do pproval of comment, na only spirit wey go fit know who be first to comment for here.. hehehe Cheers Bubba.. **E - Hugs.. ** In Mobys voice.. Chop Wet french kiss... xx

    1. Awww Duru. Your comments ehn can just like to make me blush all the time. I saw someone at the bank today and I was thinking he was you. I kept on staring at him hoping he would go all duru on me but he was just staring back.. I know one day we shall see. Don't worry...we will both be in the paradise of cash chilling like gods. Hehehe.. chop kiss back jor...mwahhhh

  3. Your big dearie and going places with this....

    1. See prayer....awwww thank you plenty Temi. Amen in Jesus name. Where have you been mami...We miss yiu plenty o

  4. I am so proud of you dear and I know you are goin places.keep it up

    1. Amennnn.....thanks Bukky. See blushing ov life o... Thank you

  5. This post is truly inspiring! Moby I can't wait for you to come and panel beat my face, but first I will be needing some really good bucks cos your work is top notch. I really admire you, I think those my lazy friends that said they learnt makeup artist should see this, Moby if you see what they did to my eyebrow ehn, me dat I am not a make up artist will do better. Anyways keep up the good work, God bless you and your Mom too for making you sort out money for the training, imagine if she has been posting you what will have happened. I like the 2nd picture the most, cutie cutie, lovely dentition you should be on a Close up advert.

    1. Thanks Tosin. For this comment ehn, anytime you need some panel beating, just call me and I'll be there. Thanks mami. Mwaaaaah

  6. Hiya! I'm here and I love the first post I came across.
    I need to find that lipstick asap.
    Team Mary Kay here too!
    Good job, I love your blog.

  7. wow! look Good on low cut.......if i were a man...*clears throat*...#nohomo......i once used that lipstick and i must say its...hmmm....super


  8. Tell them!!! Nonsense! Person will be insulting me because they use zaron and I use miss rose. *sighs* now I can gladly make refrence to you my bad ass make up artist joor. Thanks Moby for this post, you are a super woman.

    1. Abeg send them to me sef. I hate when people just try to belittle the other person for nothing. So annoying. Thank you jor. @ super woman, WHAT?? hahaha. Awwwww. That's so cute coming from my Beyoncé friend. Thank you Ike.

  9. D sky is ur stepping stone dear.....kip d gud work goin..

  10. Kip d good work up and the sky won't be able to hold you from flying.


Your comments are like jollof rice to my stomach... the more you leave a comment, the happier I get. Thanks for stopping by...I love you like kilode *mwwaahhh*