Monday, 15 September 2014


Silence...............This is it!!! (Dramatic percussion playing in the background...........Hollywood style................. Hehehe
Get excited blogosphere, because these very words you're reading marks the 100th blog post of my life as Moby (*dancing my Shoki remix +loud dramatic drum roll....*) How amazingly awesome is this?! I have to say, I'm feeling pretty proud...First of God....then of course my humble moi(*courtesy*)...
I made my first 'Welcome' post way back on the 14th of May of this year and now look how much it has grown!..... To celebrate my initiation into triple digits, I thought I should write everyone a letter before putting up the messages I got from everyone. Thank you guys, you all are “wonderamazefabugreat”...**grin**.. Here we go

Dear Wonderful Mobylizers,
I am writing this letter to you to let you know how happy I am that you make out time to read my blog. Whether you have read all 100 posts or only 1, I am super thankful to you for even having the perseverance to read my blog at all, especially as I don't always make sense sometimes *covers face*

I know I often say lame stuffs and sometimes I think I am being funny, when I am actually as dry as sh*t...LOL.... Yet you still come back for more. Thank you. I am so grateful. I really enjoy sharing my trials, tribulations, struggles and my successes with you. I think these can be a source of encouragement to my readers (especially the new ones) knowing that we all go through ups and downs and we always come out victorious. *thumbs up*.

I also have this blog because I love people... I love networking and meeting people and so far I've been able to achieve that. I can just stop blogging now because I already have this huge feeling of it’s sooo overwhelming...but guess what guys?....I’m just getting started *wink*. This doesn't mean I find it easy every time, I definitely do not, but I get a lot of help, inspiration and motivation from God almighty and from you awesome readers. Thanks to blogging I have made some great business contacts, made some really great friends, developed a love for writing and discovered a little more about myself.

I also wanted to give a huge thank you to all of you! Yes you, you reading this post! I cannot begin to express how delighted I am to have people interested in what I have to say and how lovely it is to get feedback and encouragement from someone I may never meet in person! Blogging has helped me grow and all of you have too. If you’re considering starting a blog I say go for it, it may drive you completely mad, it may seem no one is reading it and you might just want to give up but if you stick with it and really write on the things you care about, it could very well be one of the most rewarding things you’ll ever do. Remember Prov 22:29..(hee hee hee..the pastor me just had to show)

I hope you all enjoy reading my blog and that you will continue to read my blog and make Sisi yemmie would say 'Your comments are like egg in my egg roll...without the egg I'm just buns' (I love me some Sisi yemmie) and that you all have an incredible week ahead. I love you guys.

Once again, thanks for stopping by and reading my blog, Thanks for helping me get this far. You have no idea how much this means to me - you are all totally amazeballs!!

Yours faithfully,

So below are the messages I got... Thanks guys for taking out time to write a post on my behalf. Jah bless.
First is from my blog bestie Aby...she's just cute like that... Love you huni.

“Whoop whoop! Moby at hund...I mean, Moby's hundreth post!!! *crowd hooting and cheering*
 Hey people! *waving* So, Moby decided to give everybody homework, I've been racking my brain, thinking of what to write. Anyway, here I am.
Question: Do any of you make a conscious effort to be/stay happy? I realized that our best selves show when we are at our happiest. Why do we have to wait until life is in our favour before we're happy? Why can't we go out and grab the happiness?
I absolutely love myself when I'm happy, I become this totally awesome and bubbly person and I love when I'm that way.  I hate when I'm having one of my many mood swings so I try to make conscious efforts to stay happy, I'm not as successful as I would like to be yet, but I'm getting there.
So dearest Mobylizers, I strongly recommend you create your own happy place, somewhere you can run to, away from the terrible things happening in the world.
Do you have a happy place? Where is it?.

Miss Purpleheart.

Second is from Bukky *temi nikan so so*... Thanks Boo

Dear Moby, I can't believe I have a blog friend. I used to follow blogs back then but I've never been so attached to a blog like this blog. You make everyone feel safe and happy. I check this blog all the time because I'm always happy being here. This place, right here, is my happy place. I love you Moby, abeg no homo o. I pray God will keep blessing you. The way you've been making us all happy, God will make you happy too. Thank you Moby. Chop kiss abeg.
This is from one of my closest boos...Olasunbo
Mobolaji Olayinka Amusu AKA MOBY..hmmm..i don't just know where to start from. I met dis amazing lady 5 yrs ago and we've been besties ever since then (knowing she is a kolo gal o). Bolaji is an amazing nd loyal friend,very kind hearted, sucks at keeping malice( infact she will forget what generated the fight), intelligent, the bae is stubborn sha. very fun to be with,she is so crazy and if her moodswing sets in,jst leave her nd let her be. Bolaji is so impatient and get tired of tins easily( I jst hope one day she doesn't get tired of seeing me..loool..mehn u no fit *straight face)

‎I remember when you just created this blog,nd we were checking for mistakes and wanted to make everything look so perfect b4 your very first post..woowwww..its ur 100th post now..God is really wonderful. Anytime I read any of ur post,i usually imagine you talking and gesticulating  *covers face..yea am a silent supporter,i read EVERYTHING

Am so glad I met you,u re jst too amazing. May God continue to bless nd strengthen u..will always be here to support u. CONGRATULATIONS hunnay. Love u baby and continue to make us proud.

Then from my second closest padi toh badt, Bimbo
Hello mobilizers!!! I'm so happy to be writing on this blog especially Moby's blog yayyyy!!! One of d most amazing people I've met in dis journey called LIFE (Moby don't let your head swell).I actually didn't know what to write about but I hope this inspires the person reading this.

* Don't run before you walk... well only if you're some supernatural being. Literarily, running before you walk in real sense hurts. Just start from somewhere and you will fly before you know it.

* Give up bad habits. Everybody has one or more... so just search for THAT thing you know deep inside you THAT just has to go. Its not easy...(I actually know someone who dropped her bad habit recently and that person is the first to read this) MOBY: *WHAT?????? wayyyyy*

* Don't mix bad words with bad mood. You will have many opportunities to change a bad mood buh you will Never get the opportunity to replace the words you spoke.

* Don't think u can reap what you didn't sow. If u reap it some way some how it sure will not last.

* Don't let anyone or anything bring u down. Strive hard to get what you want. A good example is d owner of this blog. There were many challenges that came her way... she cried, laughed, sulked n fought but she overcame them and I'm happy to have shared those times with her

* Don't stop reading mylifeasmoby blog cos its good for ur soul...Lol

Help keep our ministry moving, well i knw its moving buh make e move wella

Thank u mobylizers!!!

N thanks to Moby for giving me dis opportunity I love u so much hun....May God take u to greater heights.

This is from my Lover (#noHomo), Judith.. Hehehe...(I know she’ll flip)
Awwww... Thank you soo much Moby thank you for this like seriously wu am i to deserve dis. I am so humbled and so short of words to describe aw i feel right now lyk everyone thinks i am offically crazy #i wonder why it took dem dis long to figure dat out# so leboo is d guy ve bin speaking with huh? So humble.. lyk you guys are the bomb. Cant wait for ur 100th post, may God grant you the wisdom to invent great ideas for your blog. Congratulations to you lyk i wish i could sing for you lyk i really love to. . . Bye thanks again Moby thank you lyk u made my day.

Next is from a blogger friend and swirrie pie, Suzanne.

Shoot i just discovered i have nothing to say jare! Still let me talk about some things and nothings *in my head that made sense*

Its incredible how we start out on a journey with hopes of getting somewhere, and usually if you are like me, we don't know where we going until we get there.

Moby you've been awesome. People like you are the light that brightens up my day, I see what you do and I am inspired to be more, it sure doesn't hurt to be more than what people think you created for, does it?
All through my stay in school last semester your blog has been one of the numerous blogs i stalk that kept me going. And I know, you know how school can turn one into a boring person. *yes sue has become blog lazy and extremely boring*. Yet I won't fail to say this, irrespective of how little you think you impact in peoples life through your little space, life happens to us all and i want you to know that if its just mine you touched i am glad i found your space.
You have a beautiful thing going here Moby! Don't you dare quit.
P.S I stalk you, I stalk Tibs( yeah she is awesome, and am definitely borrowing her bazooka)  and everyone on your blog, yeah am badass like that.
And i am one proud Mobylizer.
 Happy 100th post to you.

Eden Suzanne.

Last from my Le boo of life, Tito.
Hello Moby, I must say I am an ardent follower of your blog. You are doing a really wonderful job and every time I come here, I am always excited, entertained, educated and informed. I even learnt how to kiss!!!.....LOL
Ok ok ok....I know I’ve confused a lot of us....That was just me being Moby for a minute....Well it’s been a fun ride all the way especially when I remember how this whole blog thing started and how far we have come. From being a committed blog stalker to having your own blog. I remember when I had to fight Linda Ikeji and Miss petite for your attention. It wasn’t an easy battle, then when you told me you wanted to start yours, I thought “finally I’ll have her undivided attention...but mhen I gok’d on that one” first it was Aby that totally stole you from was almost a ‘no-contest’...and I was wailing to myself...what does Aby have that I don’t have...a purple heart? Lol...Anyways, if you can’t beat ‘em...Join ‘em...and somehow you managed to draft me into blogsville...I don’t know how you did it, but I became an indirect blogger.
Previewing your posts before you upload them, though not easy, has been fun. Apart from the fact that it helps me with my vocabulary development, I get to read the post before any other Mobylizer *tongue out* there for I am the official number 1 Mobylizer.
Thank you for having this idea...thank you for letting me in...thank you for being such a wonderful and vibrant friend...No thanks to the plenty wahala and disturbance though..And I thank every Mobylizer for the constant support you give my best friend, partner and lover #allhomo..God bless us all....and write up had to be the longest...*tongue out @ Aby...LOL.


I am not going to blush....nooooo way. I will not.... No wayyyyy I have to blush... Awwwwwwwww. Thanks guys. You all are the bomb. Yes like BOMB.
Just want to say Thank you everyone. God bless you. Have a wonderful week ahead. I love you all.

Peace y'all....


  1. Ah! Le boo! There's no contest at all oooh! I come in peace *waves white flag*

  2. More grease to your elbow hun. 100 hurray for you.

  3. congrats boo, this is so great. looking of for your video too *tongue rolling*

    1. When that time comes ehn, I'm sure you all will beg me to stop.... you dont worry. Thanks Temi *winks*

  4. **clears throat** You know when I first saw the word 'mobylizer'...I asked my husband what it meant....cuz I thought it was a Nigerian slang......hehe...#yadiyadi right?....Congrats mami...

    Tibs Tells Tales

    1. Hahaha....slang bawo. It was someone on this blog that kuku gave us the name when we were looking for a name to call ourselves...hehehe... thanks Tibs

  5. It's just asif me and Bukky planned our posts. Stay happy people... Continue reading Moby's blog! :D Congratulations again Moby love! Hugs n kisses.

  6. Happy 100th post Mobyyyy!!! Wishing you hundreds and more!! Love you plenty

  7. Awww congrats dear.You're doing a great great Job. More grease to your Elbow and wou will attain even greater heights than you can imagineb

    1. What??? Its a lie.... Emeh visited my blog and left a comment.... mogbe moku modaran...... this is so cool. Thanks Miss petite.... I'm sure Tito dragged you here but mehn I don't care.... Everybody meet miss petite Nigeria. Thanks Emeh

    2. Loooooools.Haha he didn't oh.Your doing a good job

    3. Awwwww. Thank you so much. Best thang ever....

  8. Lol..u hd berra.!!...lmao......don't worry abi...u r our blog bestie and it ws cool sharing her with u....btw u were a lot of we r


  9. Ewooo see boo's post o.he just made aĺl our post look like child's play. Aby what did you do to le boo o.....leave moby's attention for him o or else, have you seen the bros' s arms? He will use give you limbo with just one Moby im proud of you. You are doing a very good job. Sunbo you almost made us cry and jealous at the same time.sha be showing yyourself. I luv you all mobylizer

  10. Congratulations, Moby! Nike.

  11. congratulations Moby,more grease to your hard work girl.PurPleHeart and Le boo please make una remain small friendship for us o Lol

  12. woot woot congratulations looking forward to many more post.

  13. Congrats once again my boo ( i have lost count of how many times av said that...loool)....Bukky darling, am humble ooo.. Dnt worry Moby has got space for everyone of us in her heart( Naso she friendly reach oo) * muah. Much love to all the mobilizers, thank u for the support.

  14. 100th post, Yay!!! Congrats dearie. And Aby please o leave moby for Le boo o, i want to chop rice

  15. Yippee!!! Congrats again hun..... cnt wait to read more of ur posts (d silent supporters..Lol)..Thanks again Mobylizers, u guyz rock!!! Let's keep our ministry moving *winks*

  16. Congrats. Its being fun all the way hanging out with you here .And the comments in the post are so so sweet.

  17. Happy 100th blog post...I wish you success.
    My breath almost froze in my chest when you said you could stop but I sighed with relief when I read further...
    I love this blog...

  18. My dear, congrats on your 100th post. Looking forward to many more posts

  19. congraz dear shine jare

  20. Awwwww! *teary eyes* lyk seriously thank you soo much, am so happy for you lyk God hasn't even started with you yet, He is turning things around for your good. Congratulations on your 100th post... (First time commenting) Judith


Your comments are like jollof rice to my stomach... the more you leave a comment, the happier I get. Thanks for stopping by...I love you like kilode *mwwaahhh*