Thursday, 9 July 2015


Hello guys,

I am too excited about this post that I can't even wait to get to it.

So yesterday I was going through Linda Ikeji's blog and then GBAM I saw this post. I know a lot of us read her blog daily but I know someone that doesn't *someone should please call Tito in here immediately*.
So she was talking about the book above.
Apparently, this book is meant for children to explain to them how reproduction works. No age indicated sha.
I do not know how well I'll explain to my child when he/she finally asks (I believe all children asks) but I think I would say something like "Teniola, when a man loves a woman just the way daddy loves mummy, God blesses them with a child as a symbol of his love... You know how you feel when you want to pee... yes a child comes out like that ". I will definately work on my story in due time...
Well it depends on the age of the child sha.

But I doubt I would want my child to read this book... Check content of book below.

Photo Credit: Twitter/@Miss_Jayla

I believe there are more subtle and 'not-too-blunt" ways to teach children about reproduction. This is very very graphic for a child.
Who thinks it is okay for you to tell a child the truth about how a child is born? Is it harmful to the child if you do not. I really want to read your thoughts. I'm waiting



  1. Noooo, this is too much for a child, there's no way my child is reading this book, children can be very practical, what if they decide to try it out?

    1. Lets just keep praying for our children... May God teach us the right way to be good parents to our kids. Amen

  2. Mami my kids wont read this book ohhhh...every age has its reproduction story that suits the age..when they can take in the real deal i will let them know

    1. I will make sure I buy this book for your kids. Hahahaha.

  3. i also think this is a bit too explicit... kilode?????????? Ah ah

  4. LMAO......interesting...but my problem with this book is that ..the kids would think pregnancy is only via missionary style.....!!!.....and im pretty sure mummy wont have that smile on her face when she feels d baby is ready to be born....and the mother took too much sugar while pregnant..cos dat baby looks too happy even with half of its body still inside..............ERR babe....i'm here ooo....oghini?

    1. omg you are too funny. baby took sugar and so he is energised to come into the world.gad dem men

  5. I doubt I would ever let my child read this.God forbid.see penis and .............. never

    1. Ehn if i hear. I am so buying this book for your kids Bukky. And how come you're looking at something else when I asked you to look at another thing. Bukkyyyyyy

  6. Mba. Way too much. They don't need to know that much so early. Heck no. Mba

  7. No way! I can't let my child read this before it enters his/her head to start practicing when dem dey play papa and mama.

    This is too much for kids..... Till i was 15 i always thought children come out from the anus...

    OluwaMoby mi owon... How many of this book do i buy for u?

  8. this is gross.see mummy's tin.hah

  9. And the couple stayed naked for d whole 9 months?..loool.....while d baby was cming out, d father still had d same expression he had when he felt "especially loving" and wen d sperm cells were sure this child would be exactly 9 months older than its sibling.......Moby why shld i be called in here?

  10. I get the point of the book, if they could take the nudity down a notch. Most parents try to sugar coat it and never really explain to the child and most African parents never give their children the sex talk and educate them more. So they go learn it em selves. You have to hear the things people say, I recently heard a story (don't know how true) bout a girl that got pregnant. Her mum told her kissing a boy would get her pregnant and the boy convinced her that he wouldn't kiss her that they would just have fun, she couldn't get pregnant if he didn't kiss her. So a better book, with facts, less nudity..this one is just too raw

  11. Haba wat kind of explicit BF is this on earth do they expect children to read this..pls the book should be banned biko..this ones the girls du see their period very early

  12. Never, I will not allow my child to read it.he/she is not ripe yet for this kain story

  13. Its is tOo graphic

  14. Loooollllll. I can't laff o. Must they draw the whole sex procedure? Lol. I don't think this was written by a Nigerian sha. Nigerian parents are way to shielding to write this.

    One more Blog Post

  15. seriously... could this be a book for an adult child cos i consider this as hardcore porn/ playboy playbook lol


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