Wednesday, 15 July 2015


*Bajinatu meta fun awon goons me*...Poka! Poka! Poka!
Ok now I'm worried....this post is starting on a really razz note *covers face* LOL...

It is cos I just gasto show ma luv 4 ma pipu!! ever green Mobylizers...

Hey boo boo babies...

*i sight you all....5D mode*

You guys got no chill mehn...kilode?... Someone cannot even decide to be sad for once, all of you will just be calling and telling somebody how much you love somebody....... ahn ahn....LOL..
 Don't mind me o... I'm blushing big time.....*bats lashes*.... That you all care about me is a big deal to me.... Thank you so much....*hugs + kisses*

 It is with deep regret I announce: There would be no ' Dear Mobylizers' like I said yesterday... I am no longer sad... The issue has been resolved..(Thank God).. Someone said I just needed to be diplomatic and diplomatic I was.... Thanks guys. You da 'bombest'..*mwaah*

So what do I have for you today.... well its one story my friend, Jerry, sent to me... I think it would definately talk to someone reading this.

Story story...*enter text here*

Once upon a time...

Once an american man walked into a restaurant in London. As soon as he entered, he noticed an African man sitting in the corner. So he walked over to the counter,removed his wallet and shouted, "Waiter! I am buying food for everyone in this restaurant, except that black African guy over there!"
So the waiter collected the money from the man and began serving free food to everyone in the restaurant, except the African. 
However,instead of becoming upset,the African simply looked up at the American and shouted, "Thank you!". 

That infuriated the man. So once again, the American took out his wallet and shouted, "Waiter! This time I am buying bottles of wine and additional food for everyone in this bar,except for that African sitting in the corner over there!" So the waiter collected the money from the man and began serving free food and wine to everyone in the bar except the African. When the waiter finished serving the food and drinks, once again, instead of becoming angry, the African simply smiled at the American man and shouted, "Thank you!".
That made the American man more furious. So he leaned over on the counter and said to the waiter, "What is wrong with that African man? I have bought food and drinks for everyone in this bar except for him, but instead of becoming angry, he just sits there and smiles at me and shouts 'Thank you.'Is he mad???" The waiter smiled at the American and said, "No, he is not mad. He is the OWNER of this restaurant."

I can only imagine the shame and anger that would live with the American man  for the rest of his life. I just want to say a quick prayer. All things will work for your own favour in Jesus name....Amen!... At our places of work, in our houses, amongst our peers, in strange places, the goodness and mercies of God shall be with us for the rest of our lives....Amen!... The bible says If the ways of a man pleases God, even his enemies would be at peace with him...  May your enemies work unknowingly in your favour in Jesus' Mighty Name, Amen.

With the plenty English I've spoken today, no more English for the rest of the month....Make I no get muscle pull for brain.....LOL

So I was thinking of begging Leboo to complete our love story....*grin*.....hehe. Maybe guys in the house can learn small tactics from the Don...Don pilly chilly aka don spigherri...(Don p...he loves when you say it in full...with attitude...LOL)... Let's hope and pray he has time to even consider it...

In other news, no work on Friday and Monday... Oh my God..... I am going to fly this serious flying...I am not a witch o buh I shall fly... Okay now I'm saying rubbish. Got to go...

Have a wonderful day ahead.




  1. Hmmmmm this one na serious sth oooo. Amen to your prayers meh. May everyone who thinks he wanna hurt us not know he is even blessing us in disguise.

    How's u Moby?
    Kindly check out new post on my blog, it's about what's been happening to me lately.

  2. People who discriminate based on tribe, skin colour and all, y'all should read this.

  3. hahahahahahhah! omg this is so funny,this is what i call blessing in disguise

    i say a big Amen to your prayers

    cheers to the freeking long weekend

  4. I can only imagine!
    Well done Moby from razz to tush to storytelling to pastor mood

  5. I kinda guessed he was the owner of the restaurant from the first paragraph. It is afojudi that was worrying the American man.

    One more Blog Post

  6. Amen o
    Don p, please lez hear from u🙋

  7. No more English for the rest of the month....Make I no get muscle pull for brain....moby you are not

  8. Chai, the waiter should av allowed him spend his last card nah, oyinbo Ode...oya don p should come and finish the story before we mobylizers decide to collect our moby from him o...enjoy ur holiday moby.


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