Tuesday, 18 August 2015


Hol up...hol upp.....
I need you to do please do me a favour.....

Mehn I am super excited....*Jumping + Dancing*

First because everything is falling in pleasant places for me...azin.... I know I am not good enough but God still loves me... He has not given up on me and he would never give up on me....Thank you God almighty.

Secondly, I am beginning to know who I really am..YEP!... Most people go through their life time not knowing who or what they are.... I started noticing somethings about myself lately and I'm like 'Really?????'.....Don't ask...I ain't telling *straight face*

Finally...wait for it................................wait for it..........................................wanna guess.........................wait for it...................
MY BIRTHDAY IS ON THURSDAY!!!!!!!..... whoopppppp....wooohoooo!!!!..... Moby is going to enter the grandma age on Thursday oooo.... And I am super excited. No pictures please.... hehehe...

What's up mi lovies.... watagwan... I missed y'all plenty o...kai

What was I up to this weekend?

Errrrr....I didn't want to go to work on Friday and so I called my boss and made up an excuse why I think he should let me stay in my house..*covers face*...LOL.. But my boss replied with a deafening NO. He said 'Moby get to work before 10am or else???' Omo mhen I carried my big head and flat bombom and resumed work at 9.58am. I try na....LOL

On Saturday..I had an appointment with two clients going for the same wedding.... I did both makeovers and the 1st woman who is a big woman and does not believe in makeup, actually fell in love with her makeover... Her brows weren't so good though (I know) cos I had to rush her up cos she was the bride's aunt and she was running late...But I did not tell her ooo... Hahaha.... Here are some pictures. I need a professional camera *crying*

Then I made this amazing plantain fritata I learnt from Matse cooks blog. I think she is an amazing cooks and she makes every food look easy to make. You don't believe me? Then check out her blog HERE.
Leboo's sister had earlier invited me to go watch Project Fame live at Ultima studio in Lekki so the plan was, we would meet up after I was done with the makeover then head for the gig ...BUT!!!... We do not have a car and Leboo's mum didn't want to release her own car cos she had her own parole.... And so she (leboo's sister) calls me and says 'Moby I know if you convince Tito to borrow us his car or take us to Lekki, he'll answer you...but he won't answer me...ever'......

So I called Leboo and I was liike  'Baby, Huni, Swity pie, my lover, Bae' and he cuts me short and says 'NO'....He flat out refused.....Story cut short, we ended up in Lekki together *wink*..#strengthofawoman

On our way, we stopped at "The place" Lekki to buy food... mehn those people are expensive o... ahn ahn. I bought yam and egg and the total was 1,150 naira... for what na? 1 tuber of yam in Ogba is 300 naira..... Egg is 30 naira.... If I buy tomatoes and rodo, 100 naira, I will still have plenty change...ha! Ooga oo.... The food was super nice to be fair, but I think it was too pricey.

The show was amazing.... Truthfully guys, television does not do justice to the contestant's voices at all... Those guys are good.
And I am officially in love with Biko...*bats eyelashes*... His voice... his eyes... oh no...
He is the love of my life...*side eyes somebody*... Deinde is not so much of a bad person after all, he just has lots of crazy loud friends.... I like him...but I love me some Biko blood.... Tito decided to fall in love with Arewa and Ada and he became Mr. Adarewa..*mmssteewww....Iranu*...LOL...

It was an amazing show and I am happy I went. Shallat to Lekan (Leboo's sister's boo who got us in to the show..VVIP things) and Tomi...Thumbs up to you guys.

Sunday was good.... Church was amazing as usual..The prayer session was on point..again the lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places....I had another meeting in the evening at Church too...and it was amazeballs.... There's a lot of etiquette that we just take for granted.... How many of us knew that 'you don't swirl your tea in the cup but you stir gently and noiselessly by moving the teaspoon in a back and forth manner in the center of the cup. Yes o....na so I see am..hehe

Over the weekend, a friend of mine drank too much wine and he woke up with bloated eyes.... Like this....no jokes.

I am not joking his eyes looked like canon balls when I saw him. That's someone that had more fun than Moby. Thumbs up Teejay...

 Oya gerarahere mehn.....

Let's hear what your weekend was like...

Love ya'll Mobylizers...



  1. the wonders of makeup.wow.lovely makeover.keep it up dear

  2. See enjoyment o...Project fame things... It has been a long time i watched that show. I have a problem following all those shows after the first 2 seasons. Yes, the first face beat's eyebrows was a little bit off but she still looked amazing. I am glad you are able to do your make up jobs and still work 9 (abi is it 10 because of your jibiti ways) to 5.....

    1. hahaha...Omowunmi has killed me. Emi jibiti kai. Okay o

  3. Happy Birthday in advance, greetings and best wishes lovely!

  4. See that woman's b4 and after.why is it that you makeup artist of this generation just like changing people. but they used to do makeup in the olden days na so why is it different na.ahn ahn

  5. looks like you had an amazing weekend dear.i jealous you o.Tola

  6. This make up is doing some serious miracle o, ahn ahn. The difference is just too much. Well done dear.

    Modern Day Religious Manipulations

  7. You are just a case. The first makeover tho.


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