Thursday, 6 August 2015


Guess what!!!
Guess what!!!!

Guess whaaaaat!!!!!!*shouting + jumping

Wait 1st...before you guess....

Hello mi lovies... What's happening?

I'm kinda not so inspired today... I have been procastinating this post since last week and I know this is in major important....azin.."I won't forgive my self if I don't do this post"
Oya oya guess what!!!

Guess naawww!!!!

ITS MY MUMS BIRTHDAY TODAY!!!.. YAAAAAAY..*dancing alantashokilewugalalingozontosuolimpopo*....
(You go fear dance na)......
My mum is still very  hot, beautiful and very strong at 51..(Keep off ...she's taken *rolls eyes*)... I can definately say  she is aging very well and I am proud of her. Just last year I did a post for her...(you can read it HERE).....and today I'm doing another post....God has been faithful in keeping her safe for the past one year...I bless His name...

I want to dedicate this post to her...*big smile*.... cos I know I would make her read it later....hmmmn....How can I dramatically get her to read this *scratches head*....Maybe I'll just send her a text later in the day telling her that someone put up a sex tape of me online and that I am so sorry for breaking her heart...and so she should open the link to see it.....LOL... But thinking about it now, why will my mum want to see a sex video of me? *raised eyebrow*....I doubt she would open it. She'll just abuse me, preach to me then ask me to follow her to church to go and pray....(That kinda demon casting prayer with broom, water, candles and incense...LMAO) That's the kind of mother I have. Very very predictable.... So here is the short note I'm writing to her....

*clears throat*

Dearest Iya Dayo of the Amusu's family,

Today is your birthday and I have decided to write you something that's from my heart. I know right now in your mind you're saying 'Se letter la ma je bayi?' (meaning: Are we going to eat letter now?). Well we are going to eat this one now o..ehnehn

Here are words to describe you mum...

I love everything about you and I love that you are my mum.
Iya Dayo, every day of my life I am very happy to have you around... So many times I look at you and I pray to God that you stick around for a very long time.... I know myself and Lola always ignore you most times in the morning and that's just because we love sleep..*covers face*....and then you bring your drama and say "Lola and Bolaji do not love me anymore...anyway I brought yam and stew ooo incase you guys want" and you know that would always get us to stand up....LOL... I love you too much mummy and your drama's just 'epicly' out of this world... People look at me and call me 'MAD BLACK WOMAN'..I tell them...'You should meet the queen her self  then you will know I am a learner'..LOOOL.... I love you maale...*hugs*

You are the only person who has always been with me... loving me, worrying about my welfare...*interlude*.. Guys, my mum is such a worrier...its so serious that whenever anything happens to me, I make sure she gets know about it when I get better. My mum says we will never understand now why she worries so much but that we would when we start having kids. At some point I will have the joy of becoming a mother, I hope at least I look like you.

Everyday I want to make you happy and make you very proud of me... I hope you are proud of me *bats lashes*...I love you with all my being mom, I hope you have a wonderful birthday and that God fills you with blessings. There can't  and wouldn't be a mother just like you. I want to wish you a happy 51st birthday


 Alright people....Please join me in wishing my mum a happy birthday...not sure there would be a turning up ooo....LOL....

May God bless and keep all of us and for the Mobylizing  Mothers and aspiring Mothers, may we live long to have our kids and their kids write good things to us on our birthdays.

 Have a fab Thursday guys....*wait*....*sniff* *sniff*.....can you smell that???....ehn??....I can smell it!!....its the Weekend baby.......coming



  1. Happy birthday mummy. She is beautiful and you look like your mum moby. Tola

  2. Bom dia
    Amei este post e me encantei em conhecer o seu blog. Ele é cheio de estilo, ótimas dicas e tem uma aparencia espetacular! Fiquei muito feliz em te conhecer.

    1. Thanks *smiles* Someone come and translate for me o..

  3. Happy birthday to your mum dear.iya a pe fun wa o

  4. Happy birthday to your beautiful mum. Mumsie may your light continue to shine brighter and brighter..

  5. Happy birthday to your beautiful mum. Mumsie may your light continue to shine brighter and brighter..

  6. Happy birthday to your mum dearie..may she age with grace and dignity

  7. Happy Birthday to our Wonderful Mom, may u live to see more years to come in good health, wealth, peace of mind, abundant grace and blessings of God.

    Mummy, u will live to see your great great grandchildren, death shall not take u away from us... U shall live looooooooonnnnngggggg to reap the fruit of your labour.

    Iya Dayo, since u're Moby's mom, u are our mom as well cos we Mobylizers are fam with Moby...

  8. Your mum is so young, wishing her all the best in life. I'm sure you gave her plenty wahala growing up and she still look really good, God is Good.

  9. August born are just awesome. happy belated birthday to your mum . may GOD bless her new age. She will continue to grow from strength to strength

  10. Aww, happy birthday to you mum. Yes, I agree. She is hot for her age jare.

    Shop through my punchline story, and win a jewelry set

  11. Awwn, happy belated birthday to iya dayo, igba odun, odun kan ni!


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