Wednesday, 20 May 2015


For some weird reason the only song coming to my head now is "Drunk in love" know you can sing that song while
**druuunnkkk innn loooovvveeee...aaahhhhmmmmm**


 I’m actually sleepy like mheeeen....but I just gats to do something for ya'll Mobylizers.....My peoples...*wink*

So....hmmmn....*gbeborun*... Leboo said I should inform everybody that he's doing audition for backup singers, dancers and video vixens for the blogversary video post..... He is also looking for a good location for his video… ooo ...he is really taking this singing thing serious...(I taya *rolls eyes* ) ...Please oo If you are interested, indicate in the comment section.  He has been doing some serious practicing too...*sighs*.... I'm sure he has been drinking lots of hot water and honey in preparation for the 4th of June. I can't wait for the day *excited*.... My friend Titi did her own video yesterday but we had lots of background noise and so we are shooting another video tomorrow *director mode activated*....LOL

Have you ever been embarrassed by your zippers?

 Once in Uni, I left the hostel feeling funky...little did I know my pink panties was saying hi to everyone till my class crush told me my zipper was down...*covers face with shirt and both hands*... I wanted to die.. .like seriously!!!!.Me that I was forming fly, ashey all my pant dey for public spectacle....Thank God it wasn't torn...*covers face* LOL
So I was surfing the net some days ago and I found one very simple way of holding your zipper up. There are some zippers that can never stay up *frown*... it’s like one evil spirit followed them from wherever they were  made and it makes sure the zippers never stays up...evullls.

So here is a simple way of keeping it up.
 1) Get a key holder ring....they usually come with key holders.. Remove it and fix into your zip hole. 
2) Pull the zipper up and then hang on to the button.

3) Button up your jeans.

C'EST FINI.... meaning finish.

As simple and straight forward as that.

When I got to know this trick, I just couldn't wait to share with everyone.

So stop going about with your zippers down. You shall not be forgiven if you ever let it embarrass you...Especially men.... that decide to sail free...without boxers...LOL....

On Monday, I did a makeover for my neighbor’s kid. She's 4 years old and she loves fashion and makeup and so I did a little panel beating on her face. What do you think?

P.S: I wasn't bored palm was just itching me...and she was available and willing to be my model..hehe.

Before I forget...Please...please...please.. Guys stop sending your Cvs to me. Its not fair.... I already mentioned it in the post that your Cv's should be sent to the company's email addy and not mine. Please if you've sent your Cv to me, resend it to with the post your applying for as title of mail. Thank you....

In Calabar gals words "receive sense"....and in Bukky's counter words...."Receive eyesight".......I receive oo....LOOOL

So have a wonderful Wednesday.



  1. God forgive you moby for putting makeup on a child's face. It is not good to do adult things on children. It is rong

  2. The zipper thingy can happen to anyone lol thanks for this
    How are you Moby?

  3. den den......pastor, prophet, rev, evang, Anonymous....oya tell us how makeup on a child leads to hell

  4. Awwww...cute makeup on a cute child......i likey

  5. Someone said it - that people will still send their Cvs to you. They want 'divine connection'........

    1. Calabar gal you are funny.divine connection tinz

  6. Looking forward to the 4th of June o, I can already hear some voices in my head, lol...oya lemme goan destroy all the key holders in my house, no more free sighting for the ladies o, lol...the little girl looks good and moby, this is just the beginning of messages in your email, I trust my naija people.

  7. Awww the girl is cute..moby your drama is plenty in your body

  8. Wonderful makeup.and the baby too dey take position.i cant wait to see what you'll do to your own

  9. I want to do backup dancrr for Leboo.

  10. Hey sweetie!! Patiently waiting for june 4th...yeppeeee..

  11. Nice makeup 4d little kid. Dat zipper thing can be so embarassin jaree. Make I go gather all my key holder rings sharperly. Thanks 4 sharing dat tip.

  12. Nna ehn! Eezzzz not a joking sturvzz oh! This ziPPer thing ehn **Clean sweat... **Sits down properly on Jangolova seat.. I dont think i remember a case in which my zipper was left flying for public viewing like Cinema screen oh! But what I do remember was one overzealous time as a kid.. I think i was about 5 or so.. and then i tried to dress my self up and then the world ended lori my kini.. Asin ehn the worst happened.. i zipped the skin of my small kini with my jean that time.. kai! the pain i felt i will never forget.. **cringes. it took my mum to see and hold my kini **Covers face.. and mildly undress it! hehehe i haf been forming Grown up for long time.. Mehn that shi can pain for states sha..

    heheheh kai Moby you are not just well by default shaa.. So the PINKy was showing.. my i am glad the brain didnt show through the zipper too oh.. hehehe cheers Moby toh sure.. Blogger toh Sharp,.. Human being to jasi baje baje.. You Rock aswear... You really do... and the crowd goes yyyyeeeaaahh mehn! **Wears Mr. Nigeria smile...

    1. Duru ypur comment lik post ehh and you can make somebori head to be swelling when you say so much nice things.Moby deserves it sha.i like her

  13. You shouldn't have put makeup on that lil girl....It is wrong. Congrats on your anniversary.

    Howdy Moby!

  14. Almost everybody have been a victim of this zipper thing I wonder if they deliberately make the zip so. The makeup is fine i like the brows.

  15. Teeheehee! Nice trick with the zipper. I'm so paranoid about my fly being open bi check multiple times a day. I think it's cos as a teenager I had TWO experiences where I double checked but it came down later and a guy had to tell me. Luckily it wasn't gaping. Shudders.

    Moby moby. I nominated you to do a "what's in my bag" tag.
    I hope you do. Would love to read it

    1. Hmnnnnnn.... yaaaay *dancing shoki* Thanks mami...I will check and I pray God gives me the strength to do it...thanks boo...mwahhhh

  16. lolz! thanks for the zipper info.noted


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