Friday, 24 April 2015


*straight face*

*straight face*

*straight face*

I saw a mad man with crazy pubic hair yesterday and that inspired this post.....

*straight face*

That was actually going to be my intro....... but I kno that'll be  kinda harsh abi?.....*smiles*

Oya oooo.....eweso ooooo ma pipu dem...... How are y'all doing? ??....Good good...oya striaght to the matter..

First.....if you know in your Christian mind that you've not touched puberty, oya pull your ears and exit this page now now....I'm talking to you Duru!!!...heeeheeee

We live in an ever evolving society where things are constantly changing and almost nothing is left out, not even pubic hair. There was a time that the amount of bush determined social status...(LoooL...I think!!)...Anyway,  the issue of pubes is a tricky funny one. It doesn’t matter if you’re sexually active or not. The talk about pubic hair is becoming a thing you can talk about freely and anytime..(Even pikins dey grow small small garden these days..shuu) LOL

I am not a fan of the bush *true talk*. Now dont get it twisted....there was one time I had a farm down there..(The social status thingy..I musta been a princess or something LOL)...actually it was there not cos I wanted it but cos i was just constantly lazy to take it off. Now, I find it just like armpit hair.... shave it off!!!. Trimmed however might not be such a bad idea if you’re not a fan of complete shaving. 

Personally, I love it clean and smooth like a baby’s bottom but even that comes with its own perks e.g. constant itching, bumps, more vaginal discharge, e.t.c. As a Nigerian woman with a thick black foundation under the hair, when you take off the whole thing, you have something like this. 

This is usually my face after I'm done shaving....

You need to decide how to achieve the clean shaven look, either by razor, gel, waxing or laser hair removal. I would opt for laser hair removal but it’s still above my pay grade. I cannot come and remove hair and be borrowing money all the time.....abi???LOL

Who has ever been to a waxing parlour before? The warm wax feels quite good when its applied but the yanking of the strips ignites a traumatic experience that no one should have to endure...Kilode?!!... I remember Tibs's narration of her was so should check out her blog for that post here..... She's amazing. Ehn would scream like sh*t from the pain and after you're done, you won't be able to walk straight ever...and then they would advice you stay away from sex for a while..(dem suppose tell person that one?).... After such an experience, I doubt anything would turn you on...heehee. But note that after the rain comes sunshine.... when the pain eventually wears off, your VJJ be looking like ice cream with chocolate toppings *weirdest description ever*....*covers face*

Eventually, when the pain wears off ,sexy time is turned on and it feels damn great!*thumbs up*.. The major benefit of having the arena of the south shaved apart from the obvious,(check google)... are basically sexual. It causes that region to be more sensitive to stimulation. Sometimes the sight of a well groomed pumpum will have a guy sky rocket to cloud nine and what lady wouldn't want that...*wink*

If  you enjoy oral sex, the last thing you want is getting strands of hair in your partner's mouth or stuck in between his or her teeth and then you start looking for toothpick after you're done....LOL...or dental floss... (this is for both the guys and the girls). Can I get an Amen?

Just because hair grows there doesn’t mean it should remain there. I am talking to everybody....including that mad man... take if off...or just trim to a level where you don't have to part the red sea to get some action going...Some have it so incredible they'll need a lawn mower to create a footpath to the lady door....Some can even braid what's down there *Leboo inserted this part...not me*...abeg shave it off and donate to expression or darling yaki...LMAO... My colleagues are going to slaughter me after reading this post....but really isn't it true??? What is the use of the bush there?

I heard that a bush for guys gives the illusion of a bigger phallus,..*yimu toh loud*.. screw that..... If you want to be ‘gone down on’ quite regularly by your lover, reciprocate the effort, clean up the south pole. It makes for easy access. For guys who have nice facial hair, we appreciate it enough already, definitely we don’t need more hair down there. Imagine a girl gagging or almost choking due to the clumps of hair she swallowed while she was testing the microphone!!!...Ewwwwww!!!!!*thumbs down*

It is true that hair removal is high maintenance but nothing good comes easy. Shaving requires some level of dedication and keeping a bush strikes me as a lazy man’s way out. It’s really not that big of a deal.... when you’re in the shower, get stray hairs off. Or better still every two weeks have a special time when you rid your body of unnecessary hairs. Call it happy time if you will, just de-hair while you can.

Leboo thinks I'm weird putting up this post....LOL.... but the amount of hair I saw on that mad man's stuff got me thinking..

Did you know that when you shave down there as a man, it gives your Joy stick extra length? You don't believe me shey....oya google is your friend....check....*wink*

Let me go and hide while you all read the post.... It's kuku not a bad thing. ..I am only advising everybody even the married people in the house...before my pastor will use me as case study to preach on Sunday...heeheee.

Y'all have a wonderful weekend ahead...

Mi love y'all for a very long time *in my Jamaican accent*



  1. True..please tell them..strolls away. #Hillcity

  2. Ok now we have naughty Moby hehehehe leboo gat no chill atall,kai *abeg shave it off and donate to expression or darling yaki* but tru sha,I don't know y someone wud be tending a farm downsouth,#runsaway
    Welcome back babes

  3. Lobatan, this post should av been tagged "the importance of shaving to sex..." ko easy mhen, there are times when shaving looks like the hardest job ever, we gotta do wah we gotta do tho'...Moby, be doing posts like this nah*evil grin*

  4. SHAVE IT OFF!!!!!!!!!! You want some loving then get to work.use your clipper if you have it . once I gave a guy head and I had one long hair in my mouth.smelled like sweat and f##king way

  5. Amebo moby!!!! When there was a guy in my secondary school who kept a forest down the south hill tho....meh it was scary af.... Buh welcome back moby.

    1. na wa u take see am?...what was goinjg on?

  6. Yaay shave! Too much hair down there breeds smell..
    Shave! It makes you look at yourself in the mirror and be like I can go nude on a cover of a magazine and people will buy.
    Shave! It make it easier to get to the promise land.

    Ittaff do...Moby is back mehn!

  7. Pls get d bush off. Can't deal with bushy under.

  8. hahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahah lmao! Its official! Moby is now stack mad. hehehehehehe Lmao! Now this was Epic aswear. heheheheheh Really?! Smh for you.. Wait so you jejely sat down ni ibi kan and was thinking all these many many things.. And you will now come and start insulting me that I haf Baje da da lori Whatsapp.. lmao! It is well with thee oh.. Moby I am smiling so fucking hard.. My cheeks hurt.. heaven bless the day We met. aswear.. You are a wonderful soul.. I dont even know what to say again.. Ehen! So it is me that you are calling Underaged.. Me that haf done tha above and beneath.. Dont worry, i will tell my Blog Mother for you.. **Shines teeth.. You Rock Moby... aswear you do.. hahahahahahahahahaha You are crazy aswear you are.. Kai! Such Naturality, Such Fluency, such happiness.. Aswear.. This Right her! To me, This is what Blogging is.. Having Fun.. **Kudos Baby mi.. Ooosssshhheeeey Turn uP!

  9. Moby you saw saw mad man and ws looking at his blokos. His thing that has hair. oga fun e o. it was a fun read.keep it up dear

  10. Hahaha...Moby! Trimming is cool tho, a nice well-done low cut!
    Visit DNB Stories

  11. I like it hairy iyen tu n ko. different strokes for different folks

    1. lmao.....wa gba yi joor...oya Moby call police

  12. Moby want to come and corrupt me.
    What is all this thing I am seeing about oral sex
    Seriously! Once I Started shaving I just had to continue cos it felt weird when I leave it.
    However I do so cos it feels smooth not cos of sex or whatever. I like it that way so I shave.

    1. kno sex but u dont kno oral sex....hmnnn...looool.....

  13. Hahahahahahah, this is brave! ! really why on earth should you leave the pubic hair you want to injure his blokos? ??Hahahahahahah

  14. Duru has suffered in your hands...........

  15. i guess you just shaved before posting this message thats why the thing dey sweet you. lol i know that feeling.
    Well said, a guys bush is way better than a female carpet grass. so unfortunate that some girls create a rain forest expecting a boy to go down there...for WHAT now? i cant even stick my guy into such, wont want him to get missing or bitten before it comes out of his voyage.


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