Monday, 5 January 2015


Hellooooo mi lovies, mi pretties, mi blokes...Its day 5 of 2015 oooo....and I'm sure the blessings are already pouring in. You won't believe *hands on waist*.. I am watching my weight so bad my stomach is refusing food.....As in ehn!... That's no joke ooo. Every food I see now just irritates  me somehow.... This is the only festive period in the history of festive periods that I did not and have not  eaten to stupor...I kannur belivit mehn.... 

Happy new year fam...*covers face*. Its better to be late than sorry shey??? Work starts today o....some people do not want to resume know yasef. You will be survived 2014...2015 na beans jor. Hehehe.

I have been craving cold stone ice cream and there are two bloggers at the moment who are like my angel and my devil. Omowunmi of is my devil. She says 'Moby eat anything you want.... Eat the pizza, drink the coke 1 litre....but do it in moderation'...and then she teaches me how to do it. And then there's Gbemi of that says 'Moby toss out all the junk food. Eat healthy. No sugar...more water and exercise'.... Now I am, but then I love them both.. So to balance, I am definately doing both...hehe....(Don't ask me how *rolls eyes*)

You all remember that Moby is a blog stalker?.... Yes I stalked blogs before I started blogging (and I still do). Leboo used to complain at the amount of time I spend each day checking people's blogs...*raised eyebrow*... Well guess what? 3 of the bloggers I still stalk(ed) decided to check my blog and then went an extra step to leave a comment..(The stalking paid off after all *tongue out @ leboo). These bloggers are like the Usain Bolt of blogsville (I couldnt think of a better brain is still on hols..LOL). Thanks mamis. God bless you.

Also I have some new commenters in the buildinggggg...*dancing*.... You need to see the way I always blush when people just type 'I'm new here and its my 1st time leaving a comment', my head just swells and I feel like throwing a party. Thank you everybody for stopping by my blog and for deeming it fit to leave comments. Thank you so much. I pray for you today, whatever brings you so much joy won't be a source of pain and sorrow for you in Jesus name. Mehn Pastor Adeboye got nothing on me when I enter prayer mode  mehn...shiiiiiii.

Yesterday, this song was playing in my head 'count your blessings name them one by one....count your blessings see what God has done...count your blessings name them one by one and it will surprise what the lord has done' and I knew I had to count my blessings. You see ehn, I am what you can call a forgetter. I can just forget myself in the market and go home..LOL..True!...Sometimes I even forget my blessings so you can only imagine how I was racking my brains to think of one blessing and still couldn't come up with one. I could be messed up like that sometimes but then it dawned on me..... It is only someone that has life that can even think of counting blessings, right? So I am going to count some of my plenty blessings of 2014, then state some lessons I learnt, then what i will do differently this year and what I look forward to in 2015..... I will make this post as short as possible before my ogas (they know themselves) will say something now and I will say something else...dasall.


1) I finished serving my father land. That was the greatest feeling ever. If you know what it feels like being a corper then I'm sure you understand the feeling of completing your service. I miss Ibadan though... Shout out to all my Ibadan people...

2) I started Moby impressionz. Knowing I could do something to contribute to the development of this country..And God has been good to us.....I dey feel like Obasanjo ooooo....hehe

3) I started this gadam marafackin blog mehn....shiiiii *in my serious British accent*...LOL.. This blog introduced me to so many amazing people. This blog made me know that you don't have to be the richest woman to have amazing wonderful friends. Shout out to my mobylizers. I love you greatly.

4) Leboo stuck with me and my drama for another 12 months....*puppy eyes*. That boy is the only person I know on earth that can deal with me and my drama. Even I, Moby, can't stand me most times. Thank you so much....

4) I got closer to God. I spoke to so many people about him and even when I didn't sound convincing enough I didn't give up. When you have one plus as a friend then you do not have a choice.


1) I learnt that everything is never as it seems. Most people don't love you. They just love what you can do for them at that moment.

2) Never compare yourself with others. You can only know what they want you to know.

3) God will never give up on you.... Never ever. That Man up there got your back anyday anytime.

4) There will always be challenges... You think shit  just got easy? way. Just know you can always handle it cos God will never give you what you cannot handle.

5) You need friends. Yes!...I said it....You really do need friends but  just know those that are worth the friendship.


1) First things first, I need to stop assuming. I can assume for Africa ehn. Its a bad habit I know I need to toss out the door. So no more assuming.

2) I am going to be a better friend to everyone. I will stop waiting for who will call first or text first. I do that alot and that has cost me lots of good friends.

3) I will be happy.... I will be happy for me all the time. When that depressed feeling is coming, I will run out and go cause drama in my neighbours house...I don't care. No more depression.


1) I hope to get much closer to God.

2) I hope to get my 1st car this year mehn. If na to steal am, I go steal am. Legedis benz don taya me jare.

3) I hope to meet atleast half of my mobylizers...yes I want to meet all of you in person...especially you.

4) I just want you all to know that I love you all. I have everyone in mind at all times and I pray for everyone. When I'm praying, I say God bless all the Mobylizers and I know he answers. 

You don't need an application form to become a mobylizer. As long as you open this blog, you are already one and you are blessed. Thank you so much for making 2014 a very good year for me. I know we can do it again this year.

I have loads of gists and download for us. Tomorrow is another day. Just keep checking this space. And I have not forgotten that gist from last year o... just calm down okay. I have another 360 days to do gbeborun with you so just be rest assured that I will give you gist *winks*



  1. Happy new year...I noticed u don't reply my comment..buh its all good..Wish u a great year.

    1. Ahhhhhh Queen Lulu, *on my knees* oghini biko nu (I truly hope i just typed I am sorry in ibo) I'm sorry mami. Na laziness cause am but its a new year... I shall begin to stalk you everywhere you go. Ma binu oko mi

    2. Awwwww...lolzz...that's nice..thank u for replying.

  2. Moby wishing u happy new year sowi its coming late

    1. Its alright...better late than never. Happy new year to you too *mwahhhhhh*

  3. heheheheheheh Moby of life, always making us smile like fishes inside water. lmao! You are too ghen ghen biko, in short I wanna be like you when I grow up. happy new year Bubba, wishing you a ghen ghen 2015 in advance. May this year bring to pass all your dreams, may our cars that we are fasting and praying for come to pass, and may you just be happy on all different levels, cause happiness is the koko. Happy new year Bubba, you are amazing.

    Point 3 of things you learnt this year kinda got me smiling like a fowl, cause it is all shades of correct. Truly GOD is all we have and all we ever need, so its trusting him or nada. Cheers Bubba. xx

    1. Awwww....thanks papi... thank you so much for your comments. May God answer all our prayers. Guess what? You are stuck with me for another 360 days...hehehe.

  4. Mobylistic Mobylizing Moby, I can't wait for the rest of the 360 days of this year with you cos I know you'll make it worth living
    I love you plenty
    P.S: That "thing" you typed in Ibo no correct o

    1. Kai...see the way Esther opened my yansh outside... okay o. Awwwww Thank you Esther. I can't wait either. We shall take each day one day at a time *mwaahhh*

  5. Happy new year, may God see us through! Amen to the car and I add MoTiTo2015 to it

  6. Good year you had Moby*raises glass* here's to an even more amazing 2015!

  7. Uhhhhh...mami...I am wayyyyyyyy over having friends...I think I am contented with having someone I can call 'My Person' and ofcourse, Mofaya....mami...This year 2015 is gonna be amazing for everyone of us....I think one of the things you mentioned bout doing differently - Assuming?....Yup!...I think it is one trait, alot of people posses.....Mami, I believe that 'Assumption is the mother of all fuckups'....once you assume someone else's thoughts or meaning of an action - instead of talking to them and getting some clarity....then that's messed yeah! I am with you on that one....How are you dudette? and I am super sorry I missed your call eh...I will return your call...

  8. Yes! We gast count our blessings ooo. Its never easy but God is always available to help.


  9. Ahhhh....thank goodness for this post....I was already entering my 'vexing' mode.....cause me I yaff tire for Moby.
    See ehnnn.....I thought as a fellow would take pity on me and respond......but since reading 'point no2' in "things you would do differently"....cause I was about to enter the next phase of my stalking mode.....coming to F&F and nab you down....hehehe....but I can calm down for
    I know you busy....don't mind me jawe....but still.....e dey pain sometimes.
    Happy New Year eyin Mobylizers wah.....going to be a great year, and Moby....we go wash your moto when e come oo.....lool.

    P.S Ernie Tibs....don't give least not yet shaa.....*batting lashes* I yaff not friended you I will start to stalk you.....hehehe....(Good work on your blog).

  10. Ahhhh....thank goodness for this post....I was already entering my 'vexing' mode.....cause me I yaff tire for Moby.
    See ehnnn.....I thought as a fellow would take pity on me and respond......but since reading 'point no2' in "things you would do differently"....cause I was about to enter the next phase of my stalking mode.....coming to F&F and nab you down....hehehe....but I can calm down for
    I know you busy....don't mind me jawe....but still.....e dey pain sometimes.
    Happy New Year eyin Mobylizers wah.....going to be a great year, and Moby....we go wash your moto when e come oo.....lool.

    P.S Ernie Tibs....don't give least not yet shaa.....*batting lashes* I yaff not friended you I will start to stalk you.....hehehe....(Good work on your blog).

  11. Happy new year, Moby! May God grant you all the desires of your heart for 2015 and beyond. Amen.

  12. Moby kindly change this template. Kinda dim.


    1. I don taya chuka. I already did but then I couldn't log in....don't worry I'm still working on it. Ma binu oko mi

  13. I second on the assuming stuff, I have to stop that too, hope to meet you too this year babe!

  14. Amen to all our prayers. We look forward to

  15. amen to the prayers.looking forward to the union between you and name sake.yaaaay!

  16. Aunty Moby, I said eat everything in bits to prevent binging o. You can't lose weight while drinking 1litre of coke o... Don't let me give you Jackie Chan's uppercut o...



Your comments are like jollof rice to my stomach... the more you leave a comment, the happier I get. Thanks for stopping by...I love you like kilode *mwwaahhh*